Monthly Archives: July 2013

A quick check under the deck in the engine room yesterday morning revealed a significant amount of diesel in the bilge. So I spent most of the day pumping the leaked fuel into a can and clearing up the mess. It is most uncomfortable spending so much time sitting or lying on top of the engine and reaching down underneath it. Still, I had wanted to clean up under there anyway, I just did not expect to do it yesterday or while swimming in diesel. I found the leak, a slightly loose union in the spill pipe which carries unused fuel back to the tank.
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The leaking joint was hidden underneath this plate.
All cleaned up now and fresh absorbent sheets placed underneath the engine to aid spotting any future leaks.
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The sheeting is the lighter blue material under the engine and gearbox, goes nicely against the dark blue of the mechanical stuff.

Had an enjoyable weekend with Chris, including a trip to Beeston yesterday, first time out since arriving at Castle Marina. On the journey to Beeston we spotted a heron standing on the bank with its wings outstretched, clearly enjoying the sun’s warmth. Unfortunately I did not have my camera or even my phone to hand but this morning we spotted a heron perched on the rear fender of a neighbour’s boat. I wonder if it is the same bird keeping an eye on us.
Heron on Tonys boat