Tag Archives: heating

Red sky at night

Another red sky at sunset, this evening’s was high enough in the sky to be reflected on the water, rather dramatic I thought.

2014-03-15 19.26.17

On a completely different note, I’m thinking I’m going to have to sack my chief engineer for allowing the diesel tank to run dry. So, having got the diesel powered central heating working, it now won’t work because there is no fuel – not good. The chief engineer has to take responsibility for such a simple error, only thing is … this is a one man crew. Doh!

Central heating

After about four months of hassle and problems varying from not starting at all to boiling up after 30 minutes, it looks as if my diesel central heating system is finally working properly. In those months I have had much of the system in bits and learned a lot about it. It has been run for three or four hours nearly every day without any problems.


The manufacturer, Mikuni, was very helpful, it’s difficult to diagnose these problems over the phone and they always tried to help. Although it has been very frustrating, it’s also satisfying when the problem is finally solved. Satisfying and warm.